Bella Smiles of Riverhead, Roslyn and Nesconset (formerly Nesconset Dental)
March 17, 2020
Dear Patients
We have been closely monitoring every development with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reviewing all the guidance and materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York State Department of Health, the New York State Dental Association (NYSDA) and the American Dental Association (ADA).
The NYSDA recommendation which is aligned with the ADA recommendation is as follows:
At this time, it is recommended that dental offices provide only emergency dental care for patients. Elective and non-emergency services should be postponed for a minimum of three weeks. That policy shall be revisited at that time to accommodate further developments regarding COVID-19 and further actions/recommendations from government agencies.
Note that this guidance is not a mandate and cannot compel any dental office to take action, but is intended to help dental offices make sensible and safe decisions for the benefits of the public.
Therefore we are currently transitioning our practice to comply with these guidelines. What this means for many of you is that elective care such as cleanings will be postponed at this time. For those who have appointments that fit these criteria you will be receiving a call from our staff letting you know we will be canceling your appointment.
For those patients in need of care that is emergency or critical we will be maintaining office hours and staff to serve our patients. There are a number of patients in mid-course of treatment. These patients will be evaluated on a case by case basis by your treating doctor to determine the best course of action regarding completing treatment or postponing based on what is in your best interest.
This is not something we are doing without critical contemplation, and it is being done out of an abundance of caution during these difficult times. As healthcare professionals, we all have a role to play in slowing the spread of the coronavirus and “flattening the curve” in order to follow sound scientific, public health advice, to help limit infections and slow the spread of the virus.
The spread of COVID-19 will be determined by our collective actions now. We believe by taking these precautions along with the many other dentists following these guidelines, we can make a difference in helping to preserve the limited supply of personal protection equipment critical for emergency dental care and frontline healthcare personnel responding to the pandemic.
Sincerely yours,
Salvatore Lotardo DDS
John Caesar DDS
Diana Pop DDS
The Bella Smiles Team